Friday, July 18, 2008

Great Drivers Education Game!

This is a fun game: So You Think You Can Drive? With the playing of this great game, you learn the rules and laws of the street, the meaning of different traffic signs, many tasks related to driving, tand he main causes of accidents and how they can be avoided.

Test your ability on the virtual driving course. Or go wild and run stuff over! Anyway, you will have a good time! If you get a perfect score, you will receive 20% discount off on the course price. Go now and play!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyable game, I don't think that there is yet a game or simulation that could really match up to the driving experience. It would really be helpful to have all those sort of simulation thought the actual driving practice is more useful, those simulations could be more safe.

Unknown said...

Thorough fun!The driving experience is put to test! Just get immersed in to this game. But it leaves a serious message behind.Learn a perfect and safe driving to be safe!

thank you
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Only the Best Blogs said...

Thats pretty cool. How can i get this on my site?