Monday, March 31, 2008

Driver's Education could save your life!

People often feel that when they get into their car they step into a bubble that is impervious to any harm. If those poor ignorant people only knew the forces associated with a car crash, they might drive with a little more regard for traffic safety. Below are some staggering numbers:

Based on the crashes reported in Texas in 2001:

  • 1 person was killed every 2 hours 34 minutes
  • 1 person was injured every 1 minute 54 seconds
  • 1 reportable crash occurred every 97 seconds
These are scary numbers....and the worst part is this is only for the State of Texas. There are other countries out there that have close to the same nubers of cars on the roads as we here in America do, but with many less traffic deaths. Reason being we do not get the Defensive Driving skills that are need avoid dangerous situations and identify hazzards while driving.
Be sure to pick a good online
Teen Driving Course

Defensive Driving
is a great way to lower insurance rates or get a ticket thrown out.

Online Traffic School